JewishU on Eastern Parkway

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Map location
Address: Brooklyn, NY 11213, 719 Eastern Pkwy #1
District: Brooklyn
Metro: Kingston Avenue, Nostrand Avenue (Eastern Parkway Line), President Street-Medgar Evers College, Crown Heights–Utica Avenue
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Average rating — 4.1


3 reviews

Educational Institute Oholei Torah

Brooklyn, NY 11213, 667 Eastern Pkwy
Opening in 11 h 38 m
2 reviews

St. Mark Episcopal Church

Brooklyn, NY 11213, 1417 Union St
around the clock

United Lubavitcher Yeshivoth

Brooklyn, NY 11213, 760 Eastern Pkwy
around the clock

Dorms of Yeshiva

Brooklyn, NY 11213, 755 Eastern Pkwy
around the clock
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