Seet Dental Clinic

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Map location
Address: 12000 Butterworth, Pulau Pinang, Kampung Benggali, 4423, Jalan Bagan Luar, 1st Floor
District: North Seberang Perai District
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Average rating — 4.3
Seet Dental Clinic


9 reviews

Qualitas Health Klinik IMA - Butterworth

Penang, 12000 Butterworth, Kampung Benggali, 4703, Jalan Bagan Luar
Closing in 1 h 10 m

Ling Klinik

Pulau Pinang, 12000 Butterworth, Kampung Benggali, 4220, Jalan Kampung Benggali
Closing in 1 h 10 m
1 review

PATHLAB Laboratory Malaysia

Penang, 12000 Butterworth, Bagan Luar, 4114, Jalan Bagan Luar
Closing in 1 h 10 m
1 review

Island Medical Associates (klinik Peh)

Penang, 12000 Butterworth, Kampung Benggali, 4703, Jalan Bagan Luar
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