Catchy Ethiopia trading plc

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Map location
Address: Addis Ababa, gotera
District: Addis Ababa
Metro: Nifas Silk 2, Lancha


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Average rating — 2.1
Catchy Ethiopia trading plc



NHY Liquor store/ DIAGEO Distributor

Addis Ababa, 22 Street
Closing in 10 h 41 m
1 review

Yetesh Trading PLC

Addis Ababa, XQJ5+64R
Opening in 46 h 11 m

GH Cable Tray

1644, Lebu, Addis Ababa A.A
Opening in 45 h 41 m

Eden Min-market

Addis Ababa, XQJ5+64R
Closing in 11 h 11 m
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