Salon De Coiffure

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Map location
Address: Montréal, QC H2G 1L6, 1808 Rue Beaubien E
Metro: Fabre, Beaubien, D'Iberville
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Average rating — 2.1
Salon De Coiffure


12 reviews

Mas Flow Barbershop

Montreal, Quebec H2G 1L5, 1770 Rue Beaubien E
Opening in 29 h 47 m
20 reviews

Spa Le Boudoir

Montreal, Quebec H2G 2W9, 6394 Av. Papineau
Opening in 6 h 47 m
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Deville Tattoo

Montréal, QC H2G 2X1, 6515 Av. Papineau
Opening in 53 h 47 m
3 reviews

Coiffure Beaute Latine

Montreal, Quebec H2G 2X2, 6510 Av. Papineau
Opening in 53 h 47 m
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